Name: Reina Gonzalez

Hospital/Health System you serve: Parkland Hospital – Dallas
Hometown: El Paso
Occupation: Attorney
Family: Longterm partner/boyfriend – Sean
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, dance Jam (Jazzercise type of exercise) and yoga. I am trying to learn to be more mindful and I am trying to practice meditating longer.
As a Board Member…
What has been most rewarding during your board service? I will be completing 1 year of board service, so a lot of my time has been spent observing and listening as I learn how board members contribute their efforts and use their strengths.
What has been the most challenging issue for your board? It is an adjustment knowing that we do not get in the trenches, so to speak, but rather provide solutions and governance from a “birds eye view” perspective.
What has been the biggest surprise during your board service? How knowledgeable our CEO and executive leadership team is of prior board initiatives, and how quickly they are at meeting our needs and addressing concerns.
What was your/your board’s proudest moment? My proudest moment is running my first meeting, since I was appointed chair of compliance. Also, watching the board members come together to tackle tough issues.
What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned as a board member? Listening is key.
What are your board’s priority areas for 2023? Facilitating patient care, finding new funding sources and beginning new construction.
Why did you choose to become a Certified Healthcare Trustee? I wanted to grow in knowledge so that I may be of better service to the board.
About Me…
My background: I am a first-generation Mexican American, middle child and have one older brother and one younger brother. I love reading and learning.
My childhood ambition: I thought I wanted to become a doctor but as I grew older, I realized my ambitions were elsewhere.
My favorite person: Alexandra Ocasio Cortez
Last place I traveled: Western Caribbean (cruise)
What are you currently reading? “A Study in Scarlet.” This is the book where Arthur Conan Doyle introduces Sherlock Holmes.
My favorite place in Texas: El Paso, Texas