Name: Kent Wilson

Hospital/Health System you serve: Limestone Medical Center
Hometown: Groesbeck, TX
Occupation: Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer – Manage Groesbeck Funeral Home, Inc.
Family: Wife, Jessica Wilson and two boys, Weston and Wyatt; parents Matt and Sharon Wilson; sister, Blair Davison and husband Dustin and maternal grandmother, Elizabeth Swick.
Hobbies/Interests: Raising beef cattle, traveling, outdoor cooking, attending our boys’ events.
As a Board Member
What has been most rewarding during your board service? Being asked to join the board as a member has shown me that my community supports me and trusts me in major decisions that impact not only hospital employees but our rural health community and taxpayers.
What has been the most challenging issue for your board? As with most facilities, staffing has been an issue. We have great leadership and have been able to navigate these trying times successfully.
What has been the biggest surprise during your board service? The financial impact of the pandemic and such loss of good nurses and doctors leaving the industry. The numbers are astounding.
What was your/your board’s proudest moment? Personally, being entrusted to be a board member by my community and sitting members. As a board, I feel our proudest moment is being financially sound and able to ride the roller coaster that has presented itself to many of our adjacent facilities recently in the healthcare industry statewide.
What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned as a board member? My most valuable lesson is to listen to the C-suite professionals on their recommendations and remember the board is an oversight of the CEO and not to micromanage the daily events of the facility.
What are your board’s priority areas for 2023? Expansion of facilities and seeking new services to offer the rural communities we serve.
Why did you choose to become a Certified Healthcare Trustee? To petition all of those in or considering a career in healthcare to find the true meaning of what brought them to healthcare and always treat patients and coworkers with empathy and patience and practice your skill as though you’re fulfilling your calling, not just doing a job and earning a check. If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.
About Me
My background: I am a Groesbeck native. My parents brought me up in a Christian household and have always supported me in my endeavors and was fortunate to have a sound career in the community I was raised in and most of my family local.
My childhood ambition: As a child I always wanted to have a family of my own and raise my children in a Christian home and never forget the sacrifices so many gave for me to have a sound education and respectable career.
My favorite person: My favorite person was by maternal grandfather; he was a man of wit and always had a great attitude. Growing up he would take me to his farm, let me drive his truck and fish which usually ended up in me getting way too dirty on school nights. After his passing, I aspired to treat people with dignity and respect as he had done to others did which ultimately led me to my career path.
Last place I traveled: I was fortunate to take my family to Red River, NM, to snow ski for our children’s first time.
My favorite place in Texas: My favorite place in Texas would be the coast. We also enjoy taking summer vacations on cruises and traveling to the mountains.