Name: Farida S. Minner

Hospital/Health System you serve: Parkland Health & Hospital Services
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
Occupation: Retired Registered Nurse
Family: Married, one daughter, a son-in-law with two beautiful granddaughters
Hobbies/Interests: Traveling, Baking, Gardening, Sewing
As a Board Member…
What has been most rewarding during your board service? Identifying and processing relevant information about important decisions from other board members.
What has been the most challenging issue for your board? Growing and working together as a team to achieve a goal
What has been the biggest surprise during your board service? Exercising and contributing to the board my clinical expertise in the area where the medical field is concerned, being an RN.
What was your/your board’s proudest moment? Acknowledging and accepting community projects and services, successes of patients, and employee stories reflecting the mission and vision of the organization.
What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned as a board member? Communication is a very important tool in an organization; thus, with good communication, we can build a solid and productive team. The board works together as a team.
What are your board’s priority areas for 2024-2025? Creating means and ways to easily access patients getting into the Parkland Hospital and services and patient and employee safety was ensured. We collaborated to build the organization’s budget.
Why did you choose to become a Certified Healthcare Trustee? Learning the ins and outs of the Texas Health Trustee System is overwhelmingly fulfilling. I am so humbly honored to be one because I can understand and disseminate my learned knowledge about it.
About Me…
My background: I am a retired Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse (NICU). I worked at the UT Southwestern Clements University Hospital for 20-plus years and retired in July 2021. I was appointed to a Parkland Board of Managers in January 2022 by 5 Dallas County Judges. I have served on a Board of Advisors for the Philippine Nurses Association of North Texas (Dallas) since 2018. I have been very active in several organizations. I am a volunteer of the Meals on Wheels program, which serves the elderly and sick residents of Dallas County. I am also an active member of the Filipino Community, representing the cultural aspects of our Country. As of now, I am just enjoying my time as a retired citizen.
My childhood ambition: To be a NURSE.
My favorite person: My Mom, My Dad (both deceased), my brothers and sisters, my daughter, my son in law and my two grandchildren.
Last place I traveled: Paris, France (7/2023)
What are you currently reading? The Non-Profit Secret: The Six Principles of a Successful Board/CEO Partnership, by Jonathan D. Schick