Hometown: Aspermont, Texas
Occupation: Certified Health Coach
Family: Husband; George Abernathy, Son’s; Sgt. Dustin Hicks, Cody Hicks
Hobbies/Interests: Photography, gardening, traveling, home renovations, health optimization
As a Board Member
What has been most rewarding during your board service? The knowledge that I can contribute for the betterment of our Hospital District with important decisions
What has been the most challenging issues for your board? Finding a qualified, permanent CEO/Administrator
What has been the biggest surprise during your board service? The amount of time needed to become familiar with the challenges facing the Hospital District and then developing a strategy to best help.
What was your/your board’s proudest moment? My proudest moment was the day I was sworn in as a new board member, then almost immediately elected to take the Board President position. I believe with my past experience at the Stonewall County District Hospital l will bring something of value to the board table, sharing my perspectives and helping make the best future decisions possible.
What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned as a board member? The most valuable lesson as a board member for me is to gather as much information as I possibly can to aid in making the best possible choices and decisions at the board table.
What are your board’s priority areas for 2022? Board education is the top of my list. I believe a better educated board is key to the overall success of the Hospital District, and ultimately the entirety of our staff. Understanding the dynamics of the health care industry allows for better decisions benefitting our entire community.
Why did you choose to become a Certified Healthcare Trustee? I began the board certification qualification process almost immediately after being sworn in as a member. I believe it is important for each board member to actively pursue the educational opportunities offered by Texas Healthcare Trustees, as well as other supporting health care educational venues. It is my intention as board president to encourage every board member to become certified through the THT program.
About Me
My Background: I was employed by our Hospital District for nine years in various administrative positions. During my employment I also obtained my certification as an Internationally Certified Health Coach. I retired in 2018 and enjoy my time continuing to help others with my Health Coaching business and spending retirement with traveling, community events and spending quality time with family and friends.
My work history is quite diverse, including but not limited to: Wellness Center Director, 911 cartography and dispatch, radio announcer, television engineer and master control, hospitality management industry… just to name a few. I look forward to my service as a board member to our communities and residents.